Friday, May 31, 2024

Tens and Ones - Place Value

Tens and Ones - Place Value

As an introduction to place value, this tens and ones activity is great to use as a foundation for understanding how numbers are constructed. The concept of place value is essential for students to grasp as it forms the basis for all arithmetic operations and number sense.

In this activity, students will engage with hands-on materials to concretely understand how numbers are composed of tens and ones. The activity consists of 6 practice pages where students will:

1. Take a group of counters: Students start by collecting a set number of counters, which will be used to represent units or ones.

2. Make groups of tens with the counters: They will then sort these counters into groups of ten and connect them together. This step helps students visualize the concept of tens.

3. Write down how many tens they were able to make: After grouping, students will count the number of complete groups of ten and record this number.

4. Write down how many counters were left over (ones): Any counters that could not form a complete group of ten will be counted and recorded as ones.

5. Write down how many tens (place value): Students will explicitly note the number of tens, reinforcing the understanding of the tens place in a multi-digit number.

6. Write down how many ones (place value): Similarly, they will write down the number of leftover ones, understanding the ones place.

7. Write the whole number: Finally, students will combine the tens and ones to write the entire number, solidifying their understanding of how digits in different places combine to form a whole number.

This activity not only reinforces the concept of place value but also provides a tactile learning experience. Students can manipulate the pieces and observe that the total number of counters remains the same regardless of how they are grouped. This understanding is crucial as it lays the groundwork for more advanced mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, and eventually multiplication and division.

Moreover, this exercise encourages students to see numbers in a more flexible way, understanding that a number like 23 is not just 23 units but is composed of 2 tens and 3 ones. This shift in perception is a significant milestone in their mathematical development.

Through repeated practice with these 6 pages, students will gain confidence and proficiency in recognizing and creating groups of tens and ones, setting a strong foundation for future math skills.

Click on this link to get the resource.

Thank you to Chris Liverani, Magda Ehlers, Gerd Altman,,, and for the use of the pictures used in this blog.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Shape Quiz

Shape Quiz

This is a very simple yet effective quiz on shapes. It shows 10 shapes. Students have to name the shape and tell how many sides and vertices each shape has. There is a word box at the top to help students spell the names of the shapes correctly. 

This is one of my popular activities on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Images were used by permission from

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

1st Grade Lessons for Common Core Writing Standards


This is one of writing lessons on my teacher pays teacher page. 

It has activities for all the Common Core Writing Standards for First Grade. The activities are reusable and can be repeated using different themes.

There are 8 Common Core Writing Standards for First Grade. There is a lesson for each standard, though some standards are combined in one activity.

There are five specific activities presented here but they can be easily reused throughout the year.

All the activities can be adapted to fit your teaching style or your class's needs or they can be followed as written.

Printable worksheets are also included in the activities.

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Images were used by permission from

Thursday, April 27, 2023

The Writing Process Posters

 I love teaching. It is one of my most favorite things to do. I love trying to make a challenging subject simple to understand.

The writing process can be overwhelming at times, especially for younger learners. I created writing process posters to help explain each process.

Step 1

This poster explains the prewriting, planning, and brainstorming step. It gives ideas of how to plan and prepare for the writing. They can use all the ideas or just the ones that will help them the most.

Step 2

This poster explains the drafting stage of the writing process. Sometimes I say it is the rough draft, the first draft, the messy copy, or the sloppy copy. Each student prefers a different term to help them remember it most so I try to use many different terms for this step. I let them know that in this step, we aren't so much worried about spelling and grammar as we are about the content. I let them know that if they forget something they can squeeze it in somewhere or draw arrows where it should be.

Step 3

This poster explains the revising step of the writing process. Now that students have written down everything they wanted to say, they can look it over to find ways to improve it by finding better words, adding descriptions, rearrange some of the sentences, or other revising tips. In this stage, they can read their work to someone and listen to their feedback and make necessary changes.

Step 4

This poster explains the proofreading or editing step of the writing process. Explain that this is the step where we take care of all the spelling and grammar issues. Now that they know what they want to say and how to say it they can focus on the spelling and grammar. In this step, they can edit, their peers can edit, and the teacher can edit. Discuss how they can choose to make changes after others give their suggestions. This is where students write their final copy. Sometimes I call this the clean copy because it is the opposite of the sloppy copy.

Step 5

This poster explains the publishing step of the writing process. This poster gives a list of ways to publish the paper. Students can chose how to publish or teachers may assign how it is to be published. 

You can see other lessons I created by visiting my teachers pay teachers store. I will be posting more lesson ideas here as well. My goal is to post something weekly! I am open to feedback and suggestions of what you want to read about.

Sign up for my monthly newsletter.

Images were used by permission from,, and

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Kindergarten Lessons for Common Core Writing Standards

🖉 ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““   Kindergarten Lessons for Common Core Writing Standards

This is one of my popular lessons on my teacher pays teacher page. 

It has activities for all the Common Core Writing Standards for Kindergarten. The activities are reusable and can be repeated using different themes.

There are 6 Common Core Writing Standards for Kindergarten. There is a lesson for each standard, though two standards are combined in one of the activities.

There are seven specific activities presented here but they can be easily reused throughout the year.

All the activities can be adapted to fit your teaching style or your class's needs or they can be followed as written.

Printable worksheets are also included in the activities.

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🖉 ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““ ðŸ–‰ ðŸ““   

Monday, July 4, 2022

Past, Present, Future Tense - Subject-Verb agreement


Past, Present, Future Tense - Subject-Verb agreement

This activity is divided into 7 days of activities. It provides hands on activities and whole group activities. It gives students practice identifying and congregating verbs. 

It is one the most popular lessons on my teacher pays teachers page.

It provides worksheets and step by step lessons.

This is a fun, interactive activity to help teach verb tense to first-third graders.